In recent years extremophiles and extreme environments have been at the forefront of interdisciplinary research with thousands of researchers delving into the abilities of these organisms in coping with extreme environmental conditions and into the involved molecular mechanisms. Extremophiles possess unique metabolic pathways to adapt to life in their environment, and as a result, they are able to produce specialized compounds that differ from those produced by their “normal” counterparts. Recent advances have led to an increase in the number of new molecules whose unique features prospect biotechnologically relevant activities. Searching for novel biomolecules is largely stimulating the industry’s interest. The workshop Extremophiles: from adaptative strategies to biotechnological applications aims, through a interdisciplinary dialog among different stakeholders, to provide an overview on extremophiles research activities, with a specific emphasis on the biotechnological applications, to foster new scientific collaborations, to promote fruitful initiatives in the field, including national and international research projects, to contribute to the training activities of doctoral students and young researchers, and to activate forms of cooperation between universities and industries.
Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Piazza Pugliatti, 1, Messina
Call convegno estremofili_II_2024
Workshop Program
Link of Microsoft Teams to follow workshop online