

The Center E3offers facilities for maintaining and analysing marine microorganisms. The use of a laboratory with access to light and epifluorescence microscopes and basic equipment for molecular biology can be provided. A series of culture cabinets, facilities for the preparation of culture media, isolation of microorganisms and basic taxonomic analyses. The unit of access of the facilities is per day.

  • Ecosystem Access
  1. Access to local coastal ecosystems that do not require boats. Service includes transport, provision of basic equipment and technical assistance. Unit of access per item for equipment and per hour for assistance (tariff may vary according to location);
  2. Access to a brackish, meromictic lake (Faro Lake);
  3. Access to estuary environment (Alcantara River);
  4. Access to extreme marine ecosystems: hydrothermal vent sites at the Eolian Islands, coastal and offshore habitats only accessible by boat. Unit of access is per day.
  • Facilities for maintaining and analysing marine microorganisms
    The use of a laboratory with access to light and epifluorescence microscopes and basic equipment for molecular biology can be provided. A series of culture cabinets, facilities for the preparation of culture media, for the isolation of microorganisms and for basic taxonomic analyses. The unit of access of the facilities is per day.
  • Molecular Platforms and Facilities
    Molecular biological services.
     All the necessary equipment for genetic and phylogenetic studies of prokaryotes, including:
  1. DNA/RNA extraction and quantification equipment;
  2. PCR-qPCR;
  3.  PCR- DGGE and imaging systems for electrophoresis. 
  • Imaging / microscopy
    Microscopy services Users have access to services provided by a fully equipped microscopy platform including:
  1. Olympus BX50 Epifluorescence Microscope.
  • Environmental Physics Laboratory 
    The laboratory's activities focus on the monitoring and experimental characterization of environmental parameters, as well as the physical-numerical modeling and prediction of weather and climate parameters. The use of a meteorological and photometric station (LSI LASTEM) is planned.

    Laboratory Head: Prof. Salvatore Magazù
    Location: Building A - ground floor - block D
    Room Code: A2-dT_2

  • Integrated Laboratory of Experimental Techniques for the Study of Interdisciplinary Systems
    The laboratory's activities focus on the experimental characterization of material systems of interdisciplinary interest through the integrated use of complementary spectroscopic techniques.
    The instruments used includes: 

  1. Raman Spectrometer T64000 (Horiba Jobin Yvon);
  2. IR Spectrometer VERTEX 80v (Bruker);
  3. IR Spectrometer VERTEX 70v (Bruker);
  4. FTIR Spectrometer LUMOS (Bruker);
  5. Acoustic Levitator SAL (MDI, Materials Development).

    Laboratory Head: Prof. Salvatore Magazù
    Location: Building A - ground floor - block D
    Room Code: A2-dT_3
  • Teaching, seminar, conference, and hosting facilities